
jacopo gaspari began his research activity at IUAV University of Venice and he is currently Associate Professor at the Department of Architecture of the University of Bologna. He cooperates with several research Institutions and Universities in Italy and abroad working on the following topics:

  • renovation and reuse of the building stock
  • structural analysis and strengthening actions on historical buildings
  • sustainability and urban regeneration
  • assembled construction and innovative materials
  • management and evaluation of complex works
  • energy efficiency and building envelope
  • energy life cycle assessment
  • climate change adaptation and mitigation of the built environment

jacopo gaspari is author of the following books:

  • La costruzione metallica nel recupero, BE-MA Editrice, Mi, 2006.
  • L’innovazione tecnologica e la sostenibilità nelle costruzioni, EdicomEdizioni, Ud, 2008.
  • Sfide per una dimensione sostenibile del costruire, EdicomEdizioni, Ud, 2009.
  • Involucro edilizio e aspetti di sostenibilità, (con Trabucco D., Zannoni G.), F. Angeli, Mi, 2010.
  • Il progetto dell’involucro efficiente, EdicomEdizioni, Ud, 2010.
  • Trasformare l’involucro. La strategia dell’addizione nel progetto di recupero, EdicomEdizioni, Ud, 2012.
  • Energy design strategies for retrofitting. Methodology, technologies and applications, (con Boeri A., Antonini E., Longo D.), Wit Press, UK, 2015.
  • Material imagination in architecture, (con Dernie D.), Routledge, UK, 2016.

jacopo gaspari is author of several papers published at national and international level. He is member of the scientific committee of several journals and international conferences (SB series, CESB, PLEA). He regularly operates as reviewer for major scientific journals such as:

  • Building Research And Information (Taylor & Francis)
  • Energy And Buildings (Elsevier)
  • Energy Efficiency (Springer)
  • Buildings (MDPI)
  • Journal of Technology Innovations in Renewable Energy (Lifescience Global)
  • His papers were published in several journals of architecture and technologies such as: Il Progetto Sostenibile, Costruire, Costruire in Laterizio, Modulo, Specializzata, Inbeton, Architetti, Il Giornale dell’Architettura.


jacopo gaspari leaded a team of students invited to join the 2016 and 2017 editions of Fabrication Festival London, organized by the University of Westminster, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, and aimed to create temporary architectures on the Pop Up Cities topic using recyclable materials.
