Elementi operates as consultant in the field of lighting design with the aim to integrate artificial light in the concept of architectural spaces. This cooperation led also to take part and organize some workshops and events both at academic and professional level.
Elementi provides consultancies to architectural firms and engineering offices, companies and producers, entities and institutions at different level working in the field of design services and building construction.
The expertise in the field of technologies for renovating existing buildings led Elementi to cooperate with architectural offices and firms on the conversion of primary public buildings such as: ex Silos di Ponente and ex panificio militare in Verona, ex convento delle Penitenti in Venice, ex Caserma Manin in Venice, IUAV Tolentini library building.
Elementi operates in this specific field as consultant cooperating with leading companies like San Marco, with ARPAV agency, with regional, national and international research institution. Elementi cooperated with IUAV Studi & Progetti srl in defining the strategic management plan of IUAV University in Venice.